Measure T Logo

The District intends to use Measure T funds to provide for an ongoing source of funding for the evolving educational technology needs of its students and staff. In addition, the District intends to match, as closely as possible, the term of each series of bonds to the useful life of the technology equipment being financed. As such, the District anticipates that the amortization (or repayment period) of each series of bonds will be approximately three years and will, in no case, be in excess of five years. Based on current assumptions, the District estimates that the proposed bond will provide for its technological funding needs for approximately 16 years into the future.

All bonds will be sold as current interest bonds and the use of capital appreciation bonds will not be permitted. No series of bonds will be issued if such issuance would cause the tax rate levied to pay debt service on all of the outstanding bonds to exceed $10 per year per $100,000 of taxable property, based on projections made by the District at the time of issuance of such series of bonds.

  • In the November 2014 election, Ѹ was successful in obtaining authorization from the voters of the District to issue up to $20,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of the District’s general obligation bonds, pursuant to a 55% vote. The election was conducted under Proposition 39, chaptered as the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000, at Section 15264 et seq. of the Education Code of the State (“Prop 39”).

  • The purpose of Measure T is to improve the quality of education through the construction of upgraded access to computers and technology, and establishing the District’s eligibility for state matching funds.

  • Measure T costs property owners less than $10.00 per year per $100,000 of assessed valuation of their taxable property (as defined in Section 15268 of the Act), based on projections made by the District at the time of issuance of such series of bonds.

  • Pursuant to Section 15278 of the Education Code, the District is obligated to establish a Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to satisfy the accountability requirements of Prop 39. The committee does not have independent legal capacity from the District.

  • The purpose of the CBOC is set forth in Prop 39, and the bylaws are specifically made subject to the applicable provisions of Prop 39 as to the duties and rights of the committee.  The Committee shall be deemed to be subject to The Ralph M. Brown Public Meetings Act of the State of California and shall conduct its meetings in accordance with the provisions thereof. The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee does not make decisions regarding the use of Measure T funds, but does inform the public of bond revenue expenditures.  Please see the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Bylaws for further information regarding the responsibilities of the Committee.

  • If you are interested in serving on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, please complete the application and submit it to the Ѹ.


Contact Us

West Hills College North District Center
900 O Street Firebaugh, CA 93622
(559) 934-2977

Coalinga College
300 W. Cherry Lane Coalinga, CA 93210
(559) 934-2000

275 Phelps Ave, Coalinga, CA 93210